Foreclosure Strategies
Equity Optimization Plan
If you own or have inherited a property facing foreclosure, time is critical. Take control of your situation with the help of Residential Equity Partners. By leveraging our resources, strategic investment approach, and experienced legal team, you can stop the foreclosure and develop an equity optimization plan that transforms your challenge into a potential financial opportunity. Our plans provide multiple options: our legal team can help terminate the foreclosure, whether you want to keep the property through a negotiated lender settlement or a no-cost loan modification, or simply sell the property and resolve the foreclosure quickly. Call or text 800-800-7870 or click here to answer a few questions and learn about all your options today.
NPL Workouts
An NPL Workout (Non-Performing Loan Workout) is our key strategy and our preferred investment approach at Residential Equity Partners. When possible, we purchase non-performing loans at a discount from lenders. This gives us the flexibility to offer a wide range of workout options for homeowners who want to keep or sell their property. To see if your property qualifies, call or text 800-800-7870 or click here to answer a few questions and learn about all your options today.